Learning never exhausts the mind – Leonardo da Vinci

Panel 1

About Snigdha

I am an Artist and an Early Childhood Educator.

Welcome to Snigdha Teacher’s class. Here you can learn Art and English. Click Courses to see what I teach.

My Qualifications

  • Bachelors in Commercial Arts from Abhinav College, Pune
  • Bachelors in Early Childhood Care and Education from New Zealand Tertiary College – Pursuing
  • Certified Phonics and TEFL/ TESOL Instructor from London College of Teachers
  • Diploma in Communication Training (IELTS and PTE) Mentorship  from UFaber
  • Calligraphy Instructor at Udemy

Panel 2


Registration open


Traditional Calligraphy uses special nibs and pens to create and play with thick and thin strokes within letters. Modern Calligraphy creates the same effect without using those special nibs and pens. This course will teach you how to use your hands and wrists to create the perfect strokes and calligraphic letters.

I am offering live classes (batches or personal) to guide you with the correct hand and wrist movement.

Open to learners aged 8 and above.

Registration will open soon for the following courses –


Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Handwriting is a reflection of your personality, I will help you make your handwriting as unique as you. Specially for children, writing with hand activates their brain more than typing on the keyboard. It is also known to improve mind and hand coordination.

Open to learners aged 5 and above.

Next Batch will be announced soon

Fees: INR 1500 (including practice and rule book, notebook, pencils/pen)


Every child is an artist – Picasso

Are you looking for a beginner drawing course for your little one? …then you have come to the right place!

Designed with kids in mind, this course uses a step-by-step method that will delight your child and begin their artistic journey into self-expression, reflection and creative thinking.

For kids in the 5 to 10 age group.


Gift your child the joy of reading and writing with ease and confidence!

This is a systematic, structured, child-centric and multi-sensory program designed by Jolly Phonics (UK). This program helps children master the English language.

The course is structured to train kids for speaking, reading, writing and listening in English. Learning English Phonetically enables children to become fluent readers and creative writers.

Children 4 years and above can apply.


Have you ever wished you could create your own greeting cards, bookmarks, scrap books or any other creative material? This course will make your wish come true.

Join me as I teach 5 different fonts that you can use to create any artwork you imagine.

I will provide eCertificates to participants who complete the workshop and create satisfactory artwork.

Open to learners aged 8 and above

Panel 3

Thank you

I thank all the participants of my courses and workshops for your faith in me. You give me the opportunity to share my knowledge and art with the world. Without you, I would be Snigdha, not Snigdha Teacher.

I appreciate the parents who trust me with their children’s learning. It gives me immense Joy and Satisfaction to help children learn art and languages.

Finally, I have a special corner in my heart for all those who provide feedback. It encourages me and helps me improve myself and my courses. Thank you for your time and effort.

Here are some of the feedbacks and reviews I have received.

My child was not interested in doing it first ….but once it started he enjoyed a lot. It was creative and he came to know about his own creative side while doing this workshop. It was lovely, you took lots of efforts.

Sharmishtha More

Thank you for your continuous efforts and the way you encourage students to answer is really appreciable. He has shown improvement in reading and writing and tries to read story books by himself now.

Pranalini Joshi

Panel 4 Placeholder